Fat loss report week #3

Well today I have some interesting results. I measured myself this morning and  I got: 36″/32″/38″. Why is my belly stuck in neutral?? I’ve lost 2kg and my body fat is now 25.40%. A 2 percent loss!! My bf’s been complaining of shrinking boobs lol, so I guess I’m losing something even if when I look at my photos I see little difference. He’s also been saying since I’ve been going to aikido I’ve gotten very strong in the wrists and arms, he compared me to when I began aikido with this terrible little pantomime of “I’m sooo weak, my arms are floppy” *tears of self-pity*. Haha whatever. Well, he won’t be saying that anymore now >:)


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Okay, so comparing my very first photos with these ones, there is slight differences. Stomach doesn’t stick out as much, posture is a bit better. Ass looks a bit flatter. Um, yay?

But regardless of flat ass or not, I am making some progress but I do need a rethink on my food. I need a food plan which is planned 2-3 days in advance, anymore and I know I’ll want something different or food will go off. Also I have a bad habit of getting really stuck into a meal and think it is the be-all and end-all of meals. I did this with sushi once. Sushi everyday for breakfast, lunch and sometimes even dinner! It was great… for about a week. So I wanted a change, problem was now I had stacks of nori sheets, rice vinegar and tuna cans everywhere. You’d think I would have learnt, but no… I’m still doing it now, looking for my miraculous meal that will be the only thing I will want and need food-wise. Haha.

Lastly, I need to buy better underwear. I’m amazed I’ve gone this far wearing pretty daggy stuff 😛

And house-hunting? Still looking sketchy at the moment. Otherwise I’m having a good day so far 🙂

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