Primal Experiment: Wacky Flaxseed and Coconut porridge


The Beach

Yesterday was a great day; we finally got approved for a lovely little one bedroomΒ  place. It’s small but newly built and very nice. It’s a bit far from my uni, but that’s okay. I’m sure I can cope/find a way around.

We also went to the beach yesterday. It was beautiful. Big blue sky and big rolling sea. We had a walk along the shore and I wished I had brought my swimmers. The air smelt fresh and there was a cool breeze out too. It was quiet too, hardly anyone there and I found a couple of amazing shells.

I also decided to play scientist and invent my own primal porridge! It turned out to be quite yummy and filling, here’s the recipe below:

LSA Meal and Shredded Coconut Porridge


The finished product. Yum!


2 tbsp of LSA meal
2 tbsp of shredded/dessicated coconut
1 tbsp of flaxseed meal
3 tbsp of coconut milk
1/3 cup of almond milk
1 ripe banana
1 tsp of stevia
Berries of choice (I like chopped up strawberries and blueberries)
Slivered almonds (optional – makes porridge have a nice crunch too)
Pine nuts (again optional – I love my pine nuts)


1. Mix up the LSA meal, shredded coconut, flaxseed meal, coconut milk, almond milk, banana and stevia together. Put in microwave on high for 2 minutes. Or if you are using the stove top, heat the mix till very warm to hot, but not boiling.
2. Mix in slivered almonds and pine nuts. Top porridge with berries of choice. Enjoy πŸ™‚

Well, that’s all for today. I’ll be enjoying aikido again today, hopefully lure the bf to the beach again sometime this week (him and the sun are arch-enemies apparently) and getting that rising pile of dishes under control πŸ˜›

Fat loss report week #3

Well today I have some interesting results. I measured myself this morning andΒ  I got: 36″/32″/38″. Why is my belly stuck in neutral?? I’ve lost 2kg and my body fat is now 25.40%. A 2 percent loss!! My bf’s been complaining of shrinking boobs lol, so I guess I’m losing something even if when I look at my photos I see little difference. He’s also been saying since I’ve been going to aikido I’ve gotten very strong in the wrists and arms, he compared me to when I began aikido with this terrible little pantomime of “I’m sooo weak, my arms are floppy” *tears of self-pity*. Haha whatever. Well, he won’t be saying that anymore now >:)


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Okay, so comparing my very first photos with these ones, there is slight differences. Stomach doesn’t stick out as much, posture is a bit better. Ass looks a bit flatter. Um, yay?

But regardless of flat ass or not, I am making some progress but I do need a rethink on my food. I need a food plan which is planned 2-3 days in advance, anymore and I know I’ll want something different or food will go off. Also I have a bad habit of getting really stuck into a meal and think it is the be-all and end-all of meals. I did this with sushi once. Sushi everyday for breakfast, lunch and sometimes even dinner! It was great… for about a week. So I wanted a change, problem was now I had stacks of nori sheets, rice vinegar and tuna cans everywhere. You’d think I would have learnt, but no… I’m still doing it now, looking for my miraculous meal that will be the only thing I will want and need food-wise. Haha.

Lastly, I need to buy better underwear. I’m amazed I’ve gone this far wearing pretty daggy stuff πŸ˜›

And house-hunting? Still looking sketchy at the moment. Otherwise I’m having a good day so far πŸ™‚

Fat loss report #1

So this morning before breakfast or anything else I took my measurements: 36.5″/33″(?!!?)/39″

So despite magically gaining an inch on my belly. I’ve lost an 1.5″ in one week πŸ˜€ Am pretty happy with that. I find it encouragement to keep going.

So now for some photos:

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Not much discernible difference yet. Still puzzled about my random belly sizes. I think I will measure just my belly/waist over the next 3-4 days and see how much it changes, I also know to avoid too much bread/wheat stuff and very milky drinks to avoid “bloating”. However, my greek yogurt drink doesn’t really bloat me too much. I did read somewhere that this type of yogurt is strained quite thoroughly, and this straining usually cuts out the lactose β€” where I think most of my dairy troubles come from.

Well today it’s raining quite heavily again, however, I still have a bit of list of house cleaning jobs to do so that’ll take care of my exercise needs today.

Weight loss plan with some eye-opening photos :/

Tonight I’ll be discussing my plans for losing weight. Currently I’m at 136 pounds (62 kg), and my measurements are hips (40″), waist (34″), bust (37″). I plan to lose 6 inches off my waist (aka the dreaded belly) and get down to 30″. Other measurements will most likely follow suit. As for actual weight, I plan to lose between 15-26 pounds (so I’d be around 110-121 pounds/50-55kg). Somewhere 50-55 kg and I’ll be happy. But to start off, I’ll work to 55 kg/121 lb.

As for how I’ll be doing it. I’ll be following Mark Sisson’s plan as mentioned in my previous post. I’ve had some prior success with his principles, but just didn’t follow it that closely or seriously. So I’ll be reading his book, taking notes and following it properly this time πŸ™‚

As for recording my weekly efforts (basically 8 weeks) I’ll devote two posts with measurements, photos, details on my food and exercise. I’ve also considered my efforts could go longer than 8 weeks but I’m okay with going longer if need be.

So before wrapping this post up, these are photos of me as I currently am (*sigh* will be replaced in the future by more flattering ones):

Well, I thought I looked slimmer in the mirror. Damn :/

Well, I thought I looked slimmer in the mirror. Damn :/

Oh lord.

Oh lord.

I didn’t think I looked that bad, but the harsh objectivity of these photos remind me of the work I have to do. Well that’s all for now guys πŸ™‚