WUT. Foiled by the body fat machine.

Well, today I got a chance to have myself expertly measured up by a body fat machine – well that’s what I think it is. You put your feet on two metal plates, press your thumbs on these metal grooves whilst holding these odd handles. Anyway, discovered my body fat was 27.3% WAH. I must be using those calipers wrong. I weigh 59.5kg β€” so not much change from two weeks ago either.

I admit I was quite disturbed to learn my body fat has hardly budged since I first measured it. Also I learnt that I (obviously) carry most of my weight in my trunk or belly. Well, of course. It seems to me as if I can never budge weight off that area either. I know I’m losing it everywhere else, except there. It seems to happily swing anywhere between 31-32″ in circumference. My thoughts have immediately turned to my IUD – 4 weeks and I’m still 27%. Am I not working hard enough? I feel like blaming myself, and sometimes the IUD.

I feel like my joy at what I thought were successes last week weren’t really real at all, and somehow I was seeing the wrong thing in both my head and the mirror.

Well I’ve still got another 4 weeks left to see if it is the IUD and to see if I can lose anymore weight. It’s also another 4 more weeks to plan my game better, but at the same time I have to make concessions for uni, especially now that I will be living further away from it. I will look at my diet first… I can’t really say I’m screwing up in the exercise column – I spend most of the days doing aikido, going for walks, running around on errands, sometimes house cleaning, and doing bodyweight exercises (I did one two days ago and my shoulders are still a bit sore!) β€” so no fault there. Of course, other factors could be stress (and Uni will be no help in that area!), lack of proper sleep; yes despite being on holidays, I find it hard to fall asleep β€” I get tired but as soon as my brain/body clicks on that I’m going to bed, it suddenly decides to wake up again like some errant 5 year old child. Or it’s the IUD *dun dun dun*.

When the next four weeks roll by and there’s been no measurable improvement, I’ll say I get down to 56kg/123lb or I lose another inch off the waist, or my body fat goes down by 1.5% β€” I will definitely start thinking about getting the IUD pulled. But of course this is determinant on me creating a tighter plan for eating and maybe exercising too and really sticking to it, and this will make sure my results can be more clearly attributed to something else besides lax attitudes.


Weight Loss Report Week #4

It’s been about a month now since I started my blog and I’m happy to report some new measurements this week, plus some other little findings. My measurements now are 38″/31″/35.5″. Here are some photos:

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Sorry for the slightly crappy quality. My regular photographer, BF, has been a bit sick lately and needed his rest. So here are some selfies lol. Unlike last week, I can definitely see a bit of difference now. Stomach looks less flabby and smaller. Boobs look a touch smaller too 😦 I wish you could direct where you lose fat, I tend to lose it off my boobs/bum/legs and pretty much everywhere else before my belly. I also see that my body has more shape, or definition perhaps? Whereas before my body fat would throw off my shape and if I wore the wrong clothes, it could look a bit unflattering.

So I’m pretty happy this week, I’ve finally started to lose some off the belly. I do think this is related to the fact that I’ve really stuck to not eating any grains, ate a lot of fat and protein and said no to most of the food when I’m out – as most food outside my home is grain-based or full of “God-knows-what”. I’ve also only had a little bit of dairy, mostly in cups of teas and coffees. I feel because I was more dedicated this week than the other weeks, that I’ve been able to make more progress in shaping up and now I’m finally starting to see that diet really is connected to weight loss. It probably helps too that I’ve been making good gains at exercise too, mainly aikido.

Well hope you guys have a good day, I’m off to have brekkie πŸ™‚

Primal Experiment: Wacky Flaxseed and Coconut porridge


The Beach

Yesterday was a great day; we finally got approved for a lovely little one bedroomΒ  place. It’s small but newly built and very nice. It’s a bit far from my uni, but that’s okay. I’m sure I can cope/find a way around.

We also went to the beach yesterday. It was beautiful. Big blue sky and big rolling sea. We had a walk along the shore and I wished I had brought my swimmers. The air smelt fresh and there was a cool breeze out too. It was quiet too, hardly anyone there and I found a couple of amazing shells.

I also decided to play scientist and invent my own primal porridge! It turned out to be quite yummy and filling, here’s the recipe below:

LSA Meal and Shredded Coconut Porridge


The finished product. Yum!


2 tbsp of LSA meal
2 tbsp of shredded/dessicated coconut
1 tbsp of flaxseed meal
3 tbsp of coconut milk
1/3 cup of almond milk
1 ripe banana
1 tsp of stevia
Berries of choice (I like chopped up strawberries and blueberries)
Slivered almonds (optional – makes porridge have a nice crunch too)
Pine nuts (again optional – I love my pine nuts)


1. Mix up the LSA meal, shredded coconut, flaxseed meal, coconut milk, almond milk, banana and stevia together. Put in microwave on high for 2 minutes. Or if you are using the stove top, heat the mix till very warm to hot, but not boiling.
2. Mix in slivered almonds and pine nuts. Top porridge with berries of choice. Enjoy πŸ™‚

Well, that’s all for today. I’ll be enjoying aikido again today, hopefully lure the bf to the beach again sometime this week (him and the sun are arch-enemies apparently) and getting that rising pile of dishes under control πŸ˜›

Eating Primally Part 2 – A Most Excellent Breakfast


Well this was my breakfast this morning. Banana pancakes with strawberries and blueberries with a splash of coconut milk and a bit of honey. So yummy! I also had a light dusting of cinnamon on top too. It was very good. But could probably have done with a bit more. I got fairly hungry within 2 hours.


This was my dinner. Sliced turkey with tarragon and lemon, the compulsory pesto (of course!) with a mix of veges (snow peas, zucchini, carrots and onion). Very yummy and have enough for my breakfast tomorrow πŸ˜€

Cooking and eating like this isn’t cheap but it’s very filling and satisfying – both mentally and physically. But I do feel it is dollars well spent. Also I’ve learnt the delight of buying just that one carrot, that one zucchini for one or two meals. One carrot is 16 cents!! So now I have enough veges for 2-3 dinners without them spoiling on me and wasting my money. There’s a lot more trips to the shopping centre but I am very lucky to live near one.

Haven’t done much in the way of exercise for the past few days. Tomorrow I will go to aikido and might go for a walk afterwards. Quick tip: Banana Boat sunscreen for babies (comes in a pink bottle) is quite nice; not too greasy, leaves my skin soft and protected. I do like. I am also going to test out another sunscreen called ‘Invisible Zinc’ and see how I go with that one.

A quick update on my house-hunting – bane of my life – no, nothing so far 😦 Renting sucks – I look forward to the day I can own/build my own home.


Eating Primally – Best Dinner Ever!


Well that was my dinner β€” don’t worry, I didn’t have that small of a serving! I had squid in sweet chilli lime with pesto and a side of mushrooms and tomatoes. Om nom nom. I’m so used to having rice as a side in my meals, that I decided to see if I could make a meal that was filling without a big ol’ dollop of rice. Turns out you can just have heaps more veges and/or meat. Yes, I know pretty obvious in retrospect but as someone who comes from a big rice-eating family, it was not so obvious. It was pretty much a staple in my family, even more than bread and it’s weird… but I feel like I’m shunning another family member when I cut back on my rice intake.

Today I also went to see my friend to continue working on our project (which is a digital magazine) today. We laid out themes for our magazine, looked at other magazines that we considered good reference material and discussed a lot of ideas. It was a fun afternoon. It’s rare I get a chance to real have a dig at ideas with someone else.

Besides a primal dinner, I had banana pancakes. They were very good! Just like the old ones I made with flour. Finally, I had a hot chocolate made out of coconut milk watered down with pure unsweetened cocoa. I added a dash of stevia to sweeten it up a bit. Good stuff to drink whilst typing out this entry.

I enjoyed eating today. Trying out new things, but also re-creating old favourites but in a new, grain-free fashion. It tells me I can eat like this for the rest of my life without feeling deprived. Eating less grain stuff has an interesting side effect for my teeth – they’re less furry at the end of the day! I may have already mentioned that but they are. They look cleaner in general too. Perhaps grain-based is like food heaven to bacteria?

I’ve also been researching ways of handling social situations where I’m with people who don’t eat like me. The main points that stuck out to me were either:

  • say you have a condition, eg: gluten intolerant
  • don’t make a big fuss about it and the other party won’t either
  • just don’t eat and wait till you get home – yes another Captain Obvious moment for me, but there you go

My bf told me also that if people mock you for your eating habits (it does happen now and then), it’s because they’re jealous, feel threatened or honestly don’t get the point. Of course, why someone would get up in arms about the eating habits of a relative stranger is a bit bizarre… but anyway.

Eating primally has also made me re-think again the way I spend money. With the exception of meat (which is usually quite expensive in my part of town)… it is fairly viable to go out every few days and spend a few dollars refreshing veges and buying a little bit of this and that β€” but as long as you know where to shop to make your dollar stretch. It also goes back to the point that even if eating like this is expensive, it’s probably worth the money to protect your health and pays off in the long-run. Plus it’s nice to eat different and new meals every few days and taste things I’ve never tasted or used to just wonder about.

Well that’s all for tonight. Hope you guys had a good day πŸ™‚


Fat loss report week #3

Well today I have some interesting results. I measured myself this morning andΒ  I got: 36″/32″/38″. Why is my belly stuck in neutral?? I’ve lost 2kg and my body fat is now 25.40%. A 2 percent loss!! My bf’s been complaining of shrinking boobs lol, so I guess I’m losing something even if when I look at my photos I see little difference. He’s also been saying since I’ve been going to aikido I’ve gotten very strong in the wrists and arms, he compared me to when I began aikido with this terrible little pantomime of “I’m sooo weak, my arms are floppy” *tears of self-pity*. Haha whatever. Well, he won’t be saying that anymore now >:)


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Okay, so comparing my very first photos with these ones, there is slight differences. Stomach doesn’t stick out as much, posture is a bit better. Ass looks a bit flatter. Um, yay?

But regardless of flat ass or not, I am making some progress but I do need a rethink on my food. I need a food plan which is planned 2-3 days in advance, anymore and I know I’ll want something different or food will go off. Also I have a bad habit of getting really stuck into a meal and think it is the be-all and end-all of meals. I did this with sushi once. Sushi everyday for breakfast, lunch and sometimes even dinner! It was great… for about a week. So I wanted a change, problem was now I had stacks of nori sheets, rice vinegar and tuna cans everywhere. You’d think I would have learnt, but no… I’m still doing it now, looking for my miraculous meal that will be the only thing I will want and need food-wise. Haha.

Lastly, I need to buy better underwear. I’m amazed I’ve gone this far wearing pretty daggy stuff πŸ˜›

And house-hunting? Still looking sketchy at the moment. Otherwise I’m having a good day so far πŸ™‚

Off-Topic: Rise Design Studio

Totally off-topic but I have to rave about some beautiful graphic design work I’ve been checking out recently:

Rise Design Studio

These guys produce incredibly beautiful work. They do amazing photography and their works have this almost spiritual vibe. How they piece work together in these eye-catching collages is amazing. Can’t stop looking at their work. It’s the sort of aesthetic that really appeals to me, especially on this page scroll down to the works 4 and 5. Crazy beautiful. It reminds me of this gorgeous Indian goddess living amongst so long ago in the Himalayas; spiritual, divine. I normally don’t so purply prose and emotional, but this is great stuff and it’s this sort of quality of work that is both inspiring and gives me aspirations to do better myself.

Other than that, today was a bit rough and grumpy beachbird inducing, but it looks like our house-hunting is starting to look up for us πŸ™‚ hopefully I will be writing to you in my new place soon :))

Lost an inch or so off the belly – surprise, surprise!

Still house-hunting. We had two leads that looked good, but for whatever reason are ignoring texts/forgot about us. Sigh. Waiting to find out if two applications we put in the other day are successful. On the upside, getting paid tomorrow so I can refill my fridge and cupboard again πŸ˜€ and also working on a small project with a good friend. It’s very interesting and exciting, it keeps my mind off my shitty housing situation lol and hopefully if it’s a hit, it could lead to some really good things later on.

Another good thing that happened was that I checked my waist and oooohh it measures 31.5″. But must keep up diet. Exercise can be easily covered, it’s the discipline to stick to eating right which is really quite hard. Like I said, my main temptation comes when I’m with friends. It’s hard to eat out and you feel like a sore thumb sticking out when you’re not gulping down vast amounts of sugar, etc.

Lastly, the boyfriend and I have decided on a little deal to lose body fat both and get fit. He wants to get down to 12% by years end (though I suspect if he really pushes himself, probably a whole lot faster) and I want to get down to 20%. Lofty goals, but whoever gets to the finish line first gets the privilege of having their feet kissed by the loser, declared King/Queen of the Universe and the loser must buy the winner a treat of their choice under $40. Perhaps I should up the odds, make losing more painful. Maybe something under a $100, a $150? That’s more ouchy >:)

Anyway, it looks like I’ll have a busy few weeks with finding a house to live, eating right and uni starting up soon again! Eeek!


Fat Loss Report Week #2

It has been a busy week. House-hunting for a new place. Not much success so far. I’m really worried we won’t find a place soon and I feel our process in finding a house wasn’t thought out that well, and therefore carrying out our half-baked plans resulted in half-baked results. It’s frustrating to know I’m somewhat responsible for the way things are panning out. Also had a lot of house-guests over this week. Keeping people entertained whilst trying to find a house has left my personal plans stalling. However, I haven’t gained any weight from last week. May have lost an inch and a half off the belly. So currently I’m 36″/32.5″/39″.

I’ve also been measuring my belly for bloat in the morning, and it does seem to vary depending on what I ate last night. Some days I’m almost 32″, other days I’m almost 34″. If I eat anything too much wheat-based stuff or too much milk (like a milkshake or a cafe-made coffee), next day I will be bloated, gassy and just feeling tight in my stomach area.

As for my skin, I do feel my method of healing it up did do it some good. Yes, there are some scars in the area (now to fade them!), but they healed a lot faster and weren’t as red for as long. So my next step is to find ways to fade them, try them out for about a fortnight and document here. I’ve also been putting Vitamin E under my eyes (starting to get fine lines there gah…) and whilst my lines seem to look the same, my bottom eyelashes look a bit thicker and longer. Huh? Oh well, long eyelashes it is then πŸ˜€

Tea Tree Oil vs Blackheads

I’ve been using a salt wash to clean my face for the last week, sure it’s kept my face seemingly clean. Well cleaner than it was before I bothered with any cleaning :O BUT I’ve discovered little blackheads popping up like daisies and discovered quite a few big ones too. No big pimples (except for one on my nose that won’t go away).Β  So in a moment of madness I decided to to go on a blackhead squeezing spree, the forehead got quite a battering and now I was left with big ugly swollen red spots.

However, thanks to some quick googling, I discovered a few methods to deal with the red spots after getting blackheads. So here’s what I did:

1. I cleaned the area with cold water and apple cider vinegar.

2. I put a cold compress on my forehead, and got my hands on the following lotions and potions: DermAid (a 0.5% hydrocortisone cream), 100% Thursday Plantation Tea Tree Oil and Invite E 100% Vitamin E Oil.

3. Cleaned the spots again with tea tree oil and put a dab of the cortisone cream on each red spot. This was for the rest of the day.

4. At night, I cleaned the area again with tea tree oil and put vitamin E oil on each spot. Went for my beauty sleep.

5. The next day woke up and checked the damage. Not bad. A little bit red still but not as bad as the other times when I would go on impulsive blackhead attacks. Cleaned whole face with tea tree oil this time and put vitamin E oil on spots. I figured they weren’t too inflamed at this point and were probably healing up. Since I didn’t want to be left with nasty dark spot, I dabbed on the oil. My previous experience with the Invite brand was with my own father, who in a workplace accident severely burnt his arm and face. A combination of quick thinking (dunking himself into a lot of water) and diligent upkeep with the Invite Vitamin E cream has ensured that today he has NO scars from that accident at all. So with this mind, I felt the oil could do a lot of good for my beat up skin.

6. Have just cleaned face again with straight tea tree oil (well two cotton balls soaked in cool water with 4-5 drops of the oil) and face feel fresh and tingly. I love the smell too! Will apply vit E oil and see how we are tomorrow.

I’m also hoping from cleaning my face with pretty much straight tea tree oil that it will keep most blackheads at bay, let alone pimples. I know my oily face must feel like some oasis to bacteria.

I’ve also cut out ACV toner, or just toner in general. I felt it was drying my face out and I think I was right. I just cleaned with salt wash and put on jojoba oil (I felt coconut oil was a bit too heavy for me) and my face always felt quite nice throughout the day.

Besides my blackhead bashing, the boyfie and me are house-hunting. The joys of competing with 50 other people for one place. Our lease runs out soon and cross my fingers we get a place. Aikido is going well and went for an hour session today. It was about learn the basics, which was good (and easy πŸ˜› ) and it was good to review basics in the coming up for a grading (which I’m thinking about doing). Although exercise has been easy to upkeep (rain has finally cleared off!!), I keep making little errors with my diet. Most of the time I’m on track but it seems I always stray. One Macca mocha here, a macaroon there. The rest of the time: meat, vege and tons of fruit. Been having lots of lychees and enjoying how yummy and cheap they are from Aldi.